The role of the Chaplain (Chappy) at Kawungan is to provide pastoral care, social and emotional support and comfort to students, staff and parents during emotional crisis or difficult times. Support for students can be 1:1 support and encouragement both in and out the classroom, group sessions around resilience, social skills, friendship matters, self-esteem and more. Lunch time activities are held at morning tea and range from arts and crafts to games and other social interactions.
Chaplaincy at Kawungan is funded by the Australian Government under the National Students Wellbeing Program (NSWP)
Chappy M (Miriam) is available on Mondays and Tuesdays and is available to…..
- assist the Guidance Officer and school staff in the delivery of student welfare services
- provide guidance on general social and pastoral matters (including values and ethics) for the school community
- provide comfort and support to students, staff and families during times of stress
- liaise with Administration staff, Guidance Officer and individual teachers to identify and support students in need
- take an individual interest in students in need, building on their strengths and supporting them through difficult issues
- runs social skills training groups
- contact families new to the district to assist them in their orientation in their new community
- strengthen home-school relationships
- contribute to the overall wellbeing of the school and community as the school deems necessary
Who is eligible to receive these services?
All Kawungan students are eligible, and involvement in the program is voluntary. Parents must provide permission before a child is eligible to receive any ongoing one on one from the chaplain (these permission forms are available from the relevant deputies, school administration staff and the Guidance Officer). This excludes incidental day to day contact with students involved in school activities.
How can a parent contact the school chaplain?
Parents are more than welcome to contact the school chaplain by phoning the school or by contacting her by email at